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Newsletter - August 15, 2018

$50 OFF Your Next Order of Tallow Balm For Doing a Video Testimonial!

It only takes a few minutes.

$50 OFF Your Next Order of Tallow Balm For Doing a Video Testimonial!We would love to reward you with a $50 store credit to use on your next order! All you have to do is spend a few minutes doing a video testimonial of a Vintage Tradition product and/or our company and allow us to share it with others, such as on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook.

Simply record yourself with your smartphone, iPhone, tablet, webcam, camcorder, or other device, and tell your experience or story. It would be good to start off by greeting your audience while stating your first name and location followed by which product you used, what you used it for, and how it helped you. If possible, it would be great to show a photo of your skin before using the product and/or how your skin looks now. (The video must say more than just "Tallow Balm is great stuff!" or "Vintage Tradition is awesome!") Check out others' videos on our YouTube channel!

Once you've recorded your video, please email us to let us know, and we will help you get it to us. We can make any edits you would like, as well!

Thank you for your patronage and support in our quest for providing people with the best and highest quality skin care product in the world! You will have our undying gratitude for helping us...and people in great need of skin health! You will never know all the people you will help through your reviews, testimonials, and word of mouth!


Vintage Tradition