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Newsletter - September 20, 2016

Instead of Make-up? Even At Age 60?!

What more need we say?

Tallow cream balm for sensitive skin complexion instead of makeup "I love this tallow cream! My 60+ sensitive skin has been through a lot but it is now well nourished, leaving me amazed and happy that it is never too late for one's face to respond to what is really good and pure. NEVER BEFORE in my life did I EVER receive compliments about my complexion but I do now! IMAGINE, AT MY AGE! I am so thrilled I discovered Vintage Tradition's Tallow Balm! It is perfect for my skin. I apply it once a day in the morning. I could not believe the compliments I began getting when I started using it -- praising my complexion even as I wore no makeup and USING NOTHING ELSE DAILY BUT THIS PRODUCT -- praise from strangers and other women. What freedom and joy to use this INSTEAD of makeup. I go out with confidence knowing this balm is all I need to put my best face forward and age gracefully. I turned to it because I have always had very sensitive skin that reacted to anything. FINALLY I found the simple wholesome product I have always wanted -- with no suspicious and strange-sounding ingredients that have a string of chemicals on the label you can't even pronounce or have allergens like soy. I really like Pretty Girly scent -- delicate and fresh feeling -- am sure it will make you smile and glow like the pretty girl YOU really are!"