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Newsletter - February 25, 2014


A Mother's Picture Testimonial

Charell in Norwalk, Ohio says, "Two weeks ago, my son's face was absolutely taken over by eczema, scabbed up, red, inflamed, and just plain angry-looking. Today, it's pink, smooth, and healing. I am in awe of how well this Tallow Balm is working."

Here is what she sent us:

"I just received my Vintage Tradition Almost Unscented Tallow Balm!!! Excited to use something truly natural on my son's eczema. I am going to post a picture every couple of days, and I will be using only the Tallow Balm. Hoping to have an amazing outcome."

Eczema - Tallow Balm - A Mother's Picture Testimonial

"Today marks one week since I started using the Tallow Balm on my son's eczema. I wanted to say this stuff is awesome. No cream so far has healed it as well as this stuff. I am hoping that it heals more before his next flare-up, but so far I am in love with this Tallow Balm."

Eczema - Tallow Balm - A Mother's Picture Testimonial

"Continuing to heal his face. It's starting to become more smooth by the day. I'm applying it twice a day and 3 times on bath days. It's quite amazing. I haven't seen his face so clear in months, and the best part is he isn't trying to rip his own face off and has been able to sleep more peacefully."

Eczema - Tallow Balm - A Mother's Picture Testimonial

"Two weeks ago, my son's face was absolutely taken over by eczema, scabbed up, red, inflamed, and just plain angry-looking. Today, it's pink, smooth, and healing. I am in awe of how well this Tallow Balm is working."

Eczema - Tallow Balm - A Mother's Picture Testimonial