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Newsletter- September 1, 2015

Eczema - Yet Another Amazing Story

Carolyn from Brooklyn gives her testimonial.

She did her homework (so you don't have to) and achieved success!

We love hearing stories like the one below, and we are gratified to know how our Tallow Balm is helping so many people in so many ways!

Eczema - Yet Another Amazing Story - Tallow Balm

"Thank you so much for a wonderful product! Vintage Tradition Tallow Balm is simply amazing. I have a long history of dry skin and allergic reactions to skin products. Two winters ago, to add to my miseries, I developed a mystery rash on my face and arms and couldn't figure out what was causing it. Desperate, I went to a dermatologist and was diagnosed with eczema. Not knowing what else to do, I applied the prescriptions he gave me — a steroid cream for my arms and an immunosuppressant for my face. I was not happy about the black box warnings on the immunosuppressant, but the medications cleared up both rashes in about 4 days. The dermatologist also recommended a moisturizer and gave me several free samples. Unfortunately, the moisturizer was not able to keep the rash away. So I began my online search for what REALLY works for eczema sufferers. I came up with several products, Vintage Tradition Tallow Balm being one of them, and I ordered them all and tried them all. The rash on my face had now moved down to my neck. And voilà, Vintage Tradition did the trick! After applying twice a day for four days, the eczema vanished from my neck. I spent the rest of the winter applying twice a day to my face, neck, and arms, and the eczema did not return. In the summer, I use less and just apply to my face and neck. It also has a wonderful moisturizing effect, and I can put my makeup on right over it! And absolutely no clogged pores or blemishes. The following winter, I religiously applied Vintage Tradition to my face, neck, and arms and was happy no rash appeared. Then, to my surprise, my legs broke out with eczema! Again, I applied Vintage Tradition twice a day to my legs and the rash cleared up in four days. Over the summer, a pink spot about the size of a quarter appeared under my arm. Taking a closer look, the cracked skin looked like the psoriasis I had as a child. Again, I applied Vintage Tradition twice a day, and, after about 2 months, the spot was completely gone. For people like me with dry skin, allergies, and eczema, and for whom normal drug store products don't work, this is your moisturizer!"
—Carolyn, Brooklyn, New York

See more testimonials here!

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