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Tallow Balm for RASHES Testimonials

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Excellent in Every Way
This is a fantastic product that far exceeded my expectations. I have never used tallow balm before, but after getting a lingering allergic reaction to wearing disposable facemasks over the last year, and trying every medication known to mankind to no effect, I figured I would give it a shot. To my utter amazement, this tallow balm FIXED IT. I have no idea how it worked, or why, but after 12+ months of suffering from highly irritated skin, this pleasant smelling tallow balm seems to have done the trick! 5/5 stars.
Sam K. in Product Reviews

Truly a miracle
My husband had a rash on his face for a couple of years that was caused by wearing masks at work during Covid. His dermatologist had him use several creams, steroids, a couple of courses of antibiotics, and nothing helped. I got him this balm to try and in just THREE days his face is cleared and completely healed. We’re so grateful for this product!
Heather d. in Product Reviews

Rash Testimonial - Tallow Balm Skin Care

I am in LOVE with this product! I have very sensitive skin and have been researching tallow balm for a long time now. My autoimmune issues cause my skin to flare up in rashes from very normal things at times (a scratch/mosquito bite/etc). This cleared up a rash that would typically have been there for a few weeks to a month within a WEEK! Absolutely amazing and I will definitely be buying more. It's the best balm ever.
—Sydney H.

Rash Testimonial - Tallow Balm

Worked better than anything else
My 2 year old had a stubborn, itchy rash. I tried everything. Expensive lotions for skin conditions, Vaseline, tea tree oil. Nothing worked. But this balm and the lavender cleared it up after using it consistently for 2-3 weeks.

Amazing Stuff
I suffer with an autoimmune issue that sometimes results in terrible burn-like rashes on my hands and chest. I've tried everything from OTC moisturizers to prescription ointments and salves, steroids...You name it. This miracle balm has healed and soothed my skin almost overnight. Additionally, the customer service is stellar. Do yourself the favor of trying this stuff, you won't look back.

lip rash comfort
I've had a rash on my lips for a year and a half. I would get puffy, bury, itchy, crusty lips. The only thing I knew to help it was cortisone ointment. So that is what I was using all this time. Someone recommended the unscented tallow balm to me, so I tried it. Its given me relief from my rash, and relief from using such a harmful ointment. I wish I would have known this long ago, but I'm grateful to have a natural remedy for my ongoing skin issues. Thank you.
Joy Roth in Product Reviews

Skin around my eyes all cleared up!
I have used tallow balm off and on for the past year as a moisturizing night cream, but this spring I have suffered from a red rash around my left eye that doctors couldn't figure out. One even suspected that I was suffering from shingles because it looked so irritated. I started using the unscented tallow balm religiously twice a day, and in addition to getting compliments on how nice my skin looks, people have commented on how the rash has gone away. I feel that the balm has really nice healing properties and I recommend it to everyone.
Kelly in Product Reviews

The only balm that works
Due to an undiagnosed skin issue, my face will often break out in boils, then a severe rash that dries to the point of cracking and bleeding. It is horrible! Dermatologists and doctors have given me steroid creams and lotions to no avail. I've tried applying coconut oil, olive oil, yogurt, raw cow's milk—every idea I could find on the internet to relieve the burning and heal the dryness and cracking that results. Even water would cause my face to yield these burning red patches. My sister found Vintage Tradition and I immediately ordered Pretty Girly Tallow Balm based on the reviews. I just ordered my second jar as it is the ONLY thing that has ever helped and is continuing to heal my condition. It is wonderful and immediately gives me relief and calms the inflammation. I am so thankful to have found this product!
Tracy in Product Reviews

best cream ever
I have been using this cream for over 3 years now and it is by far the best cream I have ever used. It smells great and this particular scent (Windswept) is beyond great for cracked hands in the winter. I've used this for dry cracked lips, elbows knees and even feet. I use this for diaper rash on my children and red rashes that are unexplained. All around great for any use and gentle!

I heard about this stuff on the Wise Traditions Podcast ...
I heard about this stuff on the Wise Traditions Podcast. i decided to give it a try because my legs had been crazy itchy and nothing else was working. I used it in the morning and evening - after just a few days my skin felt normal again. VERY hydrating. THANK YOU!
—Heidi A

I have been using this balm on my family for several years now. I have found so many uses for it. As infants, two of my children got rashes on their torso. The pediatrician called it atopic dermatitis and prescribed a cream. Not only was I uncomfortable with the ingredients list of the cream, it didn't really help. So I decided to try Vintage Tradition Tallow Balm and it works like a charm. I have also used it for their drool rashes and any dry skin they get in the winter.

While away on vacation, I thought I had a bad case of poison ivy. I now believe it was more likely shingles. Either way, when I finally remembered that I had some Vintage Tradition Tallow Balm with me, I put it on the rash, and overnight it was almost gone. The blistering had gone away and the skin was absolutely healing and no longer itching. Thank you for your wonderful product.
—Barb, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

I bought Vintage Tradition Tallow Balm quite some time ago. I had used it for a skin irritation and then put it away and forgot about it. Last weekend, my granddaughter was at our place and had a terrible dry rash all around her lips that wouldn't go away. After ONE application of your Tallow Balm, within five minutes, all the redness was gone. The next day, it was slightly red again, and she put more on (just a dab of it), and it's 100% gone (and she said it felt so good)!... I WILL KEEP ORDERING. Thank you.
—Monique, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

My natural conditioner recently changed its formula without notice, and I developed a massive allergic reaction with a rash and itching all over my face and neck. The only thing that stopped the itching and soothed the inflammation was the Vintage Tradition Tallow Balm I had on hand. No OTC meds needed! I want you to know how thankful I am for you guys! Since having such success with my rash, I've been using your Tallow Balm on my face every day, and my skin looks fresh and younger. Before using it, I thought it would make me break out, but I don't have a single blemish. I think the "happy" lines around my eyes are lessened as well. I love this product!
—Beth, Lehi, Utah

I love your Tallow Balm so much that I had to write you to tell you I'm so grateful for this product! I have had a horrible rash on my face, and this balm has soothed it like no other moisturizing cream or product I've ever tried (and I have tried *numerous* things, to no avail). My husband likes it because it's easy to apply and it makes his skin look great without hassle or maintenance.
—Molly, Centennial, Colorado

My husband and I both had rashes on the front of our legs of unknown cause. The rash was itchy. With the first application of the tallow, the skin improved and the rash disappeared. Amazing stuff! We love it.
—Kathleen, Leesburg, Virginia

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